The SEC seeks powers to investigate and prosecute its own cases and speed up enforcement against capital market violations.  Thailand’s SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) is proposing amendments to the Securities and Exchange Act to give it more authority to investigate and punish breaches. The SEC currently lacks power to investigate violations of the Act. If violations are found, a lawsuit needs to be filed from the Ministry of Justice for larger cases and from the Police for smaller cases . The amendment will give the SEC broader investigative authority and the ability to provide additional protections to witnesses – which will enable it to prosecute its own cases and speed up enforcement in capital markets. The SEC also wants to raise the penalties it can impose on offenders, allowing for criminal penalties to be imposed for serious offences. The consultations are available here and here. They are open for comment until 22 May and 24 May, respectively. Share via: Related:authority, Capital Market, Capital Markets, criminal penalties, enforcement, Investigation, Ministry of Justice, Prosecution, SEC, Securities and Exchange Act, violations, witnesses Recommended for you