For those who care about a just society and a planet that will support human life for generations to come, the Trump administration was a disaster in so many dramatic ways that the list is too long and depressing for me to contemplate. So instead let me draw your attention to its virtual gutting of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) which opened its doors in Washington, D.C. on January 6, 2003. I realize that most people haven’t heard of this seemingly obscure agency. Yet it plays an essential role in maintaining the integrity of our capital markets on which all of us depend. As noted by Lynn Turner, former Chief Accountant of the Securities and Exchange Commission, “The PCAOB is so vitally important to all Investors in American capital markets. It is who ensures we can trust the financial information necessary for making wise investment decisions.” DENVER, COLO. – APRIL 7, 2005 – Lynn Turner, former SEC chief accountant, interviewed at The Denver … [+] Post. (Jerry Cleveland | The Denver Post) (Photo By Jerry Cleveland/The Denver Post via Getty Images) Denver Post via Getty Images Here is the stated mission of the PCAOB: “The PCAOB oversees the audits of public companies and SEC-registered brokers and dealers in order to protect investors and further the public interest in the preparation of informative, accurate, and independent audit reports.” What’s not to like here, right? The PCAOB was created in the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (SOX) which was a response to the bursting of the dotcom bubble of the 1990s and a series of accounting scandals and fraud, such as Enron and WorldCom, and the collapse of the accounting firm Arthur Andersen. In essence, the PCAOB stripped self-regulation by the accounting profession of audit quality and methodologies and replaced it with a government department under the direction of the Securities and Exchange Commission and funded through SOX.   Cynthia A. Fornelli, the first Executive Director of the Center for Audit Quality (CAQ), has written about the early turbulent years of the PCAOB and the to-be-expected criticisms of conservatives who oppose any kind of government regulation intended to improve the integrity and transparency of our capital markets. She noted, for example, that in 2009 Steve Forbes “argued that the PCAOB was ‘evil,’ ‘one of the most powerful and destructive agencies in Washington,’ and ‘an accounting version of Nurse Ratched from One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest.’” My goodness! What hysterical words to describe an agency simply designed to improve audit quantity for the benefit of investors, companies, auditors, and all of us. Thankfully, the PCAOB weathered the stormy early years of being a new agency in D.C. Tough Town and became a strong force for the public good. Until recently. Under current Chairman William D. Dunkhe III, sworn in on January 2, 2018 (and whose appointment unfortunately extends until October 24, 2022) and an entirely new slate of five board members appointed starting in early 2017, the PCAOB has become a shadow of its former self. Barbara Roper, Director of Investor Protection at the Consumer Federation of America, explained it this way: “The PCAOB plays a vitally important role in the oversight of our capital markets, but it has all but abandoned its investor protection mission. It will take a top-to-bottom overhaul to restore its effectiveness and its credibility.” This is not hyperbole, just a statement of fact. Barbara Roper, Director of Investor Protection, Consumer Federation of America Consumer Federation of America MORE FOR YOU Evidence of this is carefully documented in a candid and constructive letter of April 19, 2021 was sent to the new SEC Chairman, Gary Gensler. The authors of the letter are a distinguished group of former members of the PCAOB’s Investor Advisory Group (IAG). The mission of the IAG is to provide a forum so that the PCAOB “may obtain the views and advice of experts who have a demonstrated history of commitment to investor protection.” The approximately 15 members are “individuals of the highest integrity with the expertise and experience in relevant areas, including investing in public companies.” The 11 authors of the letter wrote in their individual capacity and all of them have distinguished backgrounds in investing, accounting, and investor protection including Professor Praveen P. Gupta (a former SEC Academic Fellow), Roper, Anne Simpson (Managing Investment Director at the California Public Employees’ Retirement System), and Turner. Consider the trenchant points they make with my own reflections in parentheses: ·     The replacement of the entire board and the essential firing of the General Counsel, Chief Auditor, Director of Information Technology, and dozens of others has vastly undermined the ability of the PCAOB to fulfill its purpose. (One of the most effective ways to keep an organization from fulfilling its mission is to get rid of the most important and competent people.) ·     In 2018 the PCOAB moved to reduce its own budget, including for the critical inspections function. The Strategic Plan of that year says next to nothing about investor protection and enforcement of standards. (Perhaps with malicious intent, the PCOAB even managed to not live up to its own extremely unambitious strategic plan.) ·     Since Mr. Dunkhe became Chairman, the PCAOB has not held a single meeting of the IAG. (Why meet with people whose interests you’re supposed to protect if they might give you some constructive feedback and you could better spend time on the links with the President?) ·     The PCAOB no longer solicits public comment on PCAOB rulemaking. (Sure is a lot easier to just spend a few minutes before golf coming up with a few new rules and not have to get any input on them.) ·     There is still a holdover of auditing standards that “were written in an era of flawed self-regulation that failed to prioritize the interests of investors and the public.” (In fairness, previous administrations own this as well.) ·     In March 2021 the PCAOB created and adopted a new charter for its Standards Advisory Group (SAG) that replaces all former members, makes what were public meetings for 16 years now private meetings, limits the ability of investor advocates to serve on the SAG, and gives the PCAOB the unilateral ability to set the agenda for the SAG, whereas this used to be done jointly. (What an elegant way to shut down any investor input and make sure there’s nothing on the agenda you don’t want to talk about and would delay tee time!) In light of all these points, I suspect the Trump administration would have loved to simply abolish the PCAOB if law allowed. Since it didn’t, they did everything possible to eviscerate it. The letter signatories rightly note that “The circumstances surrounding the PCAOB compel the SEC to take immediate and assertive action to reverse the damage done over the past four years.” They propose these initial action items: ·     Fill the current vacancy on the Board with a highly competent person who is independent of any auditing firm and who has been “historically supportive of investors’ concerns relating to audit firm oversight and independence.” ·     Have this person replaced Mr. Dunkhe as the Chairman. ·     Reinstate the IAG and SAG “with competent, diverse, and investor-focused voices.” The letter concludes that “Together, these initial actions should begin to restore investors’ confidence in the public company audit process in the United States, however, more reforms will be ultimately needed.” Anne Simpson, Managing Investment Director, California Public Employees’ Retirement System California Public Employees’ Retirement System More pointedly, Simpson stated that “The PCAOB needs to be restored from the ashes. It was viewed as the gold standard for audit regulation worldwide, and its sad demise is a cause for concern by investors who rely upon the veracity of corporate accounting for both capital allocation and stewardship. Time for restoration.” She’s absolutely right. We all owe thanks to her and the other authors of this letter. They have brought to the attention of Mr. Gensler some severe damage from the previous administration that few of us would have noticed. But not being noticed doesn’t mean that its effects can’t be hugely deleterious. I have great confidence that Mr. Gensler will act swiftly to take the appropriate steps to restore the PCAOB to its important role in protecting the integrity of our capital markets through effective oversight of the auditing firms. These improvements won’t be noticed by most of us either. But they will improve our capital markets today to the benefit the generations to come.